Posted by: unitybreath | August 30, 2013

How to handle “negative” emotions during Ascension.

Last few days (starting from 27 of august) I felt quite uneasy. Soapy, flooded by feelings of hopelessness, despair, dropped self-esteem, and self-pity. Same messages I started to receive from friends and clients.

So if you feel uneasy, slightly or terribly sad, lost interest in your life, and in activities that normally satisfied you, then don’t worry!

One of the reasons is that those who don’t wish us and Planet to ascend use any possible methods to hold us in 3D by broadcasting negative information, and transmitting low vibrations via HAARP and other tools. You just need to be aware that there is no ‘negative’ scenarios of Reality in your consciousness.

The other reason is “the thrown gem-stone effect” described previously by Sarah Biermann. When you throw a gem-stone in a vase filled with water, there is surely some water will be  splashed out.

This effect normally happens during very serious planetary alignments and configurations such as recent Star of David that took place o 25-26 of August. Also such splash can be caused by powerful sun flares and magnetic storms.

These new powerful High Vibrations that shower upon us from the center of Galaxy are not only filling our physical bodies and our consciousness with light, but also bring up to the surface all that is still ‘negative’, ‘heavy’, limiting, all that is holding us tight in 3D reality and mess around with our Ascension process. All of that disturbed by the light is coming up from your subconscious mind. You may not be able to read it correctly, and you may not be able to identify true reason for such ‘down’ state, but most importantly you don’t have to!

Below I describe simple instructions that most of you probably are already using, and familiar with, but just due to this out-of-whack state temporarily forgot. It is just a reminder.. 🙂

1. Don’t panic. Relax! Accept this “negative” state with love. You can even say to it: “I welcome you depression / low self-esteem / sadness etc whatever the state you are in now”

2. If you feel like crying, go on, don’t hold it. Let it out! Cry, scream, complain if you know someone who you can share it with. (you certainly can share it with me!) 🙂 Listen to you the emotional and physical signals, and release it as much physical as you can. It is much better then pretending to be in a ‘good mood’.

3. After you’ve embraced those emotions / state then try to localize it within your physical body? allow it to express itself. It could be tightness in the heart, head, legs, stomach anywhere really. It doesn’t matter which part of the body, more importantly that you managed to localize it. Then look at it, and allow it to be there. Allow it to grow. the bigger it gets, the less intense it becomes.

4. When this energy got big enough so you don’t feel tightness and heaviness anymore, release it to the Source with your intention and with the help of you Guides and Angels. and fill the empty space with unconditional love from your heart chakra. Imagine pink golden stream flowing from your heart chakra to that place.

5. Carry on spreading the energy of love in your physical body. Enjoy the nurturing feeling of self-love, self-worth and optimum Being. Ground your self through Swdhistana or Sacrum chakra with the centre of Earth. And root your spirit in your Heart Chakra.

The heart has no polarities but feeling of unconditional love, so if you be affected from outside by negative or low vibrations remaining in the heart will help to flow through those signals with no harm. If you are in your brain, then you may get caught in negative state, and thoughts.


love tree

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