Posted by: unitybreath | August 8, 2013

It is all about UNITY, isn’t it?

Hello guys!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Here I am back into my writing mood with a bit of a spare time for it as well. 

It feels like ages I have not been writing my blog, although I did supported it energetically from within my heart! and I am sure that some of you even felt it. 🙂

Last year was crazy for me. I did a lot of studying for ATIH (Awakening the Illuminated Heart), somehow unexpectedly fell pregnant, traveled to Mexico twice. Once to attend Teacher’s workshop in Ajijc, which was mentioned in my post, and few months later with my kids to participate in one of the best events of the past year – Activation of Light portal of Unity Vibration in Mexico (Yucatan) with Mayan Shamans (Ac Tah and others) and other light souls from all over the world. This was totally amazing experience, and i will write more about it in my future posts, I promise. 🙂 But I must confess – I am in love with Mexico and its people. I am now longing to get back and looking for a great opportunity that shall present itself in order to return their again. 🙂 

Maypan, Mexico









Then i successfully returned to Russia and continued to build my cordwood house, that is built by now, and now undergoing a lot of interior work. More on it later too. 🙂

I am on the right.












While in Russia I suffered from some complications with the pregnancy, so had to stay there and had my 3d baby there. 🙂 Happy and smiley baby Angelina was born just a month before 22 of December 2012!  and finally…. we all did a little dance and a good meditation on 21 of December to celebrate the beginning of a new Era – era of Feminine power! (don’t mix it up with feminism). we all have feminine and masculine within us. so after December 21 the feminine aspect was waken up. and i can see a lot of men really getting more of their feminine energies developed, they become more intuitive rather then logical, more interested in spirituality then ever before, and talk a lot more about heart rather then brain. That is incredible leap in consciousness! 










I am so excited about what is happening now with us, with our Mother planet with all that is! We are all becoming ONE! One with ourselves, with our bodies, with Mother Earth, with nature, with everything around us including strangers… 😉 we used to separate ourselves, and even part our body into parts, organs, cells, chakras etc. But it feels now as though we are transforming into ONE Beings that is also ONE with its Higher Self, which is now cant be called Higher self, but just a part of US. 🙂 It probably sounds to absurd or crazy, but i do feel myself amazingly expansive, and this state help me live my life with ease and lightness! When some 3D staff whacks me out of that state, I get lost in low frequencies and get upset or whatever, but quickly as soon as i realize that i lost my connection with everything including other (‘higher’) aspects of myself, and bringing myself back into expansive state – things improves instantly! 

I recommend strongly practice ‘self-merging’ meditations as well as unity meditations with All That Is to establish expansive state of Unity and Being! 

Becoming one with higherself













Posted by: unitybreath | May 6, 2013

The First Cordwood House in Russia is finished!

Finally, I am back to blogging, and can happily declare the end of cordwood building process! It was exciting but exusting, however, very rewarding period of our eco-life!

It is a family house on a big plot of land, and looks very charming. Plastic windows are in place.


Dimensions of the house:

Perimeter: 9m x 11m.

Walls: 3.5 m high

The house comprises of 2 floors.

First floor is 2.4 m high. There is spacious kitchen (20 m2), living space, and bathroom on the first floor. Internal walls are frame built and filled with sawdust mortar.

We have connected centralized water supply to the house (apprx 2.5 m underground so it wont freeze during winter times), but there is plumming and sewage pipe-work is still to be done.

There is 2.5m x 2.5m reinforced cellar 3 m deep has been built in the kitchen area. The cellar will be used as winter storage for root vegetables and home-made canned food.

Second floor is attic type with a balcony, the roof is insulated and plasterborded with waterproof boards inside. It is planned to have 3 bedrooms upstairs with play area nd small communal toilet.

There is still a lot of work required. Internal and external decorations. But we celebrate the end of log-laying! 🙂

Picture 292

Alex and Sergei were hired to help with finishing walls.

Posted by: unitybreath | March 1, 2012


While sitting on the plane, I could not help it but hearing in my head “Conquering the Paradise” by Vangelis. I so love this grande tune, and it was so appropriate for my feelings on my  way to Americas. I was flying to Mexico via States. That was a chance to conquer both Americas at once! To say I was excited, its to say nothing. 🙂

Nothern  America had cooled down my excitement pretty quickly. I deflated as soon as I saw customs that reminded me admittance to the prison. Face picture, finger prints you have been tagged – Welcome to the States!

The transit was through San Francisco, and while on the plane I was dreaming of Golden Gate bridge and other famous attractions of this wonderful Californian city. None of these happened, due to the  incredibly heavy pouring rain that started soon after my arrival. Thanks to my lovely Teacher and friend Sarah Biermann with her amazing joyful personality, love and warmth, who I met at San Francisco, I remained only lovely memories of that short stop! Apparently according to her, California suffered from sever drought for 6 months, and that rain was more then welcome, however none expected it to be that strong and furious. Sarah took me to the nice bar called Cliff House, – very classy and sort of beginning of last century style, the oysters and the glass of red Californian wine were very nice and appropriate indeed. Then Sarah took me back to the airport so I could get to the final destination. I may just note, that San Francisco’s airport is one of the most confusing airports I have even been, you get lost there instantly within the massive labyrinth of terminals or outside on the road trying to find your way out of it. It is not that easy as one would wish! 🙂

Sarah and I at the Cliff House

My flight to Guadalajara was delayed for an hour due to the weather conditions, so I hang around the airport and tried famous Californian soup. Reminded me Russian cuisine. The plane  took off an hour later behind the schedule. God, I wish we waited till that rain stopped. 🙂 As straight after taking off we got into pretty nasty turbulence, which lasted throughout the flight for almost 3 hours. It was pretty disturbing experience, and only being centered within my Heart helped me to go through it without drama.

Finally,  I arrived in Mexico early morning of 21 of January. The country is lovely! People are so incredible friendly, regardless their financial struggles. The place I was staying – tiny village on the coast of lake Chapala surrounded by mountains – very picturesque place. Below are pictures of Ajijjc.

Lake Chapala

Ajijjc, January 2012

I loved those colorful buildings, bright and joyful with exotic paintings.

I just love how lamp post match the pattern of the building. Those little details are so cute!

Well, you surely doubt that I made such a long way to hardly known place in the middle of Mexico just for the sake of those lovely pictures. You be right! I did much more then that. I attended once in a life time event that enlightened my existence and led me to meeting many many wonderful Souls! It was Awakening Illuminated Heart Teacher’s Training Course, that was taught by Drunvalo Melchizedek – one of the most enlightened Spiritual Teachers.

Living in the Heart is one of the most profound, ancient oral Teachings in the World. It transforms one’s life into a beautiful, exciting journey full of love, joy while remembering and becoming your Authentic Self. 

PS: I saw myself attending this workshop in one of my dreams in October 2010 (check out my post Heaven on Earth ) . Purely by chance I found out that there would be such seminar in January 2012. I applied for it in October 2011 with no funds available. On the day I received positive reply from the organizers, bank had offered me a loan at 3% / year, which by a truly magical set of circumstances almost paid off by now. Hurrah for the Conscious Creation of Reality from within the Heart!


Posted by: unitybreath | January 5, 2012

Happy 2012 – great year for manifestations!!!


Happy New Year!!!!

I know…The year has already started so please forgive my belated greetings.. I was just so carried away with changes, and events that really could not keep up with postcards and emails. 

I wish everybody that their most beautiful, amazing and wonderful dreams and wishes come true! 2012 – is the year of Manifestation! 

And it really had proved to me the Year of Manifestation! I believe it is not only the positive staff can manifest but the ugly one too. So please be careful with what you wish, and don’t let fear run over you! Cause our fears can manifest too. Here is the real life example.

UK had been battered by storms for the last few days, which caused damages, electricity disruption throughout UK. It has been reasonable ok and safe within the walls of my family house, but we could hear strong and musical sounds of wind from everywhere. For few days, it felt like we were living not in the quietest part of the city but in the middle of the busy airport ground. Although, it didn’t bother me much, unlike my older daughter who got caught into the wind fear drama yesterday.    

In the evening, when we were preparing for a bed-time, I asked her to go downstairs and turn the heating off. She was so scared of the wind and was reluctant to go downstairs, she begged me to do it instead. Anyway her tricks didnt work on me, and she had no choice but to get downstairs. Guess what happened next? She was on her 3d step down, when the wind suddenly crushed opened our front door swirling in the house a pile of wet leaves, and pushed off (stripped off) the loft closure upstairs.  My daughter get petrified, she screamed, cried, and was shaken from fear.

I went down, managed to close the door, turned the heating off, put the loft closure in place and lectured my children about power of fear and the way it can now manifest in our lives. 

This is a great example that manifestation process is now on demand. Whatever you wish may actually happen! So be careful with your wishes! Let it be the good ones! 


This was our New Year salad dish in the shape of dragon!

Happy New Year!

Posted by: unitybreath | December 19, 2011

Good or bad or just an illusion…

Hi everyone, who reads my blog.

I am finally back to WordPress, beating up my writing fatigue, boring domestic routine and daily procrastination.

Our family (female part of it) moved to Peterborough UK to unite with the male part (husband and father) who had no chances of joining us. 🙂 Few last months here were spent on sorting out the house, making it look more like a family nest, rather then a ‘bachelor’ pad. 🙂 I kept myself really busy with lots of small tiring but very human things like cooking, cleaning, shopping, doing homework with kids etc… and I worn myself out so much that i had started looking for a job not even for the financial benefit but for the opportunity to be apart from the children, and do less of the house chores.

Unfortunately or luckily to me there were no good permanent or temporary job with the decent salary away from the house. So here I am, back to writing. 🙂 Although, I did make a pity attempt to join field sales force within financial industry, I had even overcome the fear of being rejected by strangers when talking to them on the streets (in the shops etc). However, it didn’t work out for me. I was puzzled  ‘why’ i didn’t succeed. although I managed to establish a positive rapport with people, they either just recently changed their facilities, or they didn’t feel ready to commit, or they had already had much better deal that I would not be able to match… (btw, I just had a flash back – de-ja-vu moment like I had been writing about this stuff in the past!!! so looks like this lesson is part of my destiny or my ascension path. 🙂 )

You know me, I can’t just leave it, I need to get to the core of it. When I looked into the situation with the sales job from within my Heart, it became as clear as smokey crystal. The whole sales strategy that have been suggested to promote as well as the whole service behind it turned out to be a well created illusion… and this illusion appeared to be viable only due to the certain amount of people (specifically including those who set up the company and those who work their on permanent basis) that keep believing it. But I didn’t…  Because at the beginning of the job search I set an intention to got / do the job that is right for my heart. At first, that is how I thought about the company, which was presented as the best and most helpful service during recession times for SMEs. So what could be best to help small businesses to survive in such an adverse conditions? However, the reality proved to be a lot different. There are so many companies like that one, each of them claims to be cheap, and actually most of them do offer cheaper services. So my ‘real’  job was in fact just to find that ‘dumb’ person who would be so unaware and just simply happy to have some costs cut. That’s where my heart started to send worrying signals, and i guess on a vibratory level people felt it or I ‘chose’ to enter into the places where I would 100% fail. It’s simply  because that on a very unconscious level I didn’t like lying to people and make them to commit to something that may turn out as not so good in the near future but another trap. Anyway, I was sacked. I didn’t make any money, moreover I spent more money on petrol while driving around, and looking for those clients. 🙂

My mind reacted on this ‘failure’ with the obvious conclusion: “it was not my type of a job, and maybe I should concentrate more on things i enjoy (like writing, being with kids and counselling)”. Strangely enough I didn’t dive into those areas with excitement, even though these were most interesting things. No one will argue that writing is ultimately a lot more pleasurable then walking around the streets in the cold…However, I still didn’t progress much with the writing, nor did I really wanted to spend more time with my children. It felt that I had had stuck somewhere, in between of the 3D Earth reality, and my 4D heart desires as well as those dimensional versions of my existence that have not yet crossed each other and may never will.  Maybe I would have carried on being confused, and slightly disorientated, if I would not have been lucky enough to know Sarah Biermann as well as equally lucky to listen to her recent seminar “Psychic explosion. Get ready for 2012”, which you can also enjoy if you click this link

Don’t get cautious of the seminar’s heading. None of the psychic people had been hurt during the seminar, 🙂 it was actually about releasing old belief systems and belief patterns that we created in order to live and fully experience life in 3 – dimensional reality!  Thanks to the effective exercise, I burst out in tears..  I have not been crying for a while, so I cried, and could not stop. During the meditation guided by Sarah,I clearly saw myself being trapped in all those beliefs. I then realized that the main reason for my procrastination, and unwillingness to concentrate on writing, upbringing my children etc were due to the subconscious protest against it being imposed on me by the old beliefs that limit my existence and my ascension path on Earth.

Phew.. what an unusual twist! I appeared to be protesting against the rules, that I personally created! I protested against my little world where i felt comfortable for a certain time. I have even temporarily resigned to be a ‘good mother’, cause I lost the meaning of being ‘good’, and it felt so old and limiting. Don’t take me wrong, i don’t starve my children! They are well fed, and dressed and washed. 🙂 It is about the process (the actual way) of doing it. shall it be well organised and regimented or it can be somewhat different but not least effective? Shall we spend time educating them things we have learnt in the past or give them freedom to make their own research and investigate the nature of things by themselves? How do they / we know that blue is a ‘real’ blue? My little one really does struggle with colors, she forgets its names, and each time she give various color interpretation of the same object.  It made me think that she doesn’t percieve the color in the old way as we used (like being told and accepting it as truth and real). But she may indeed perceive colors in a frequency level, and then even the color of one object may vary depending on the wave / frequency this object is currently in…

As we move to a new dimension  old beliefs became a burden. Subsequently it feels confusing to live and act upon old beliefs. Hence procrastination and unwillingness to deal with daily issues that used to be ‘normal’ in one frequency, don’t feel that much normal in a new frequency.

I am sorry if it sounds way too complicated, but after releasing the tonnes of old beliefs that have been holding me tight in the net, I am so free and ready to step into beautiful unknown, and become a New me, who act upon the inner knowing, and feeling of vibrations rather then upon set of rules. So currently I am feeling like, going to lie down in bed together with my girls, read and laugh with them, kiss and cuddle, and finally fell asleep without looking at the clock.  So… What do you feel like doing?





Posted by: unitybreath | August 11, 2011

You can’t keep a good woman down

Life is changing fast, and it certainly present itself sometimes like a box of chocolate (Forest Gump classic metaphor) not necessarily sweet one… or correctly saying box of surprises that not necessarily nice ones… 🙂

This post is my ode to female’s strength, wisdom, patience and flexibility. I am not sure whether I mentioned previously that our main players and workers are females. And my mission now is to alter this neglect. So let me introduce all the people (females) that involved in the building and who live with me in pretty tough conditions here in the village:

The youngest and most active female is Victoria, she is only 2.4 yo but pretty skilled in many areas of eco-living. She is watering plants on the picture. Victoria is a little stubborn angel that has her own ideas on life. She loves nature and being outdoor.

Amalia – is my elder daughter, she is 9 now. She helps a lot with Victoria, and the garden. She is very sensitive, shy and on her own track. She can talk to angels (including Victoria) if she wants to. 🙂

Ludmila is my ex mother-in-law. A very rare sample of strong female friendship! 🙂

She is the main builder and gardener alongside me. She has pretty smile, but she is very tough…

You do recognise me, don’t you? I should not have placed my pic, but this is just a fresh one. 🙂 I am the creator of my dream. I took it probably too serious, and fast. So I ended up mainly working together with Ludmila on our building.

Apart professionally constructed frame and roof, and that blissful week when we had 3 Alexanders, we do work / build along.

I must admit it aint that easy, and implementing my dream requires tremendous will power and as well as physical strength. Although  events and circumstances do not follow by plan at times, and appear to be unexpectedly difficult, wrong and tiring.

We hardly progressed for the last 15 days. We had a patch of extreme heat , that made working unbearable, then suddenly hot weather changed into week-long cold heavy rains.

One by one we got out of whack, Ludmila and myself caught colds, Amalia started to suffer from sore throat. Victoria developed strange oozing scars and wounds that were / and still are not healing.

It felt like the world turned against me / us. For a period of time i seriously doubted goodness of my spiritual eco-dream, and righteousness of my action. Moreover I started to doubt the worthiness of my life and ‘that wonderful mission’. I lost sense of satisfaction in life. How come – my free and limitless natural existence  appeared to be not that charming and wonderful this time?! Moreover, limitlessness and freedom turned to be fake or illusive cause we were seriously limited by the weather patterns, infections, conficts with neigbours and so on… Nature taunted us with sudden bursts of heat and cold winds, and heavy rains. It is trully impossible to work during the wind especially if one uses dry lime (as part of our insulation raw) in the building process. Sawdust mixed with dry lime is almost killing mixture for the eyes and the throat.  Wearing masks doesnt help much either. Totally gloomy situation affected us badly, even children became angry and out of control.It felt like we were deliberately tortured and tested by our own dreams and desires.

At the end of our tether we quickly packed little bag and drove to the city to seek professional medical help. We are currently staying at my brother’s flat and heal our infections and wounds. I am slowly returning back to my normal calm state of mind, not depressed or negative. From relaxed, and refreshed state i must admit that it was a real hardship test. It will sound old-fashioned but the moral of my pitty story is to stay honest to ourselves, loyal to our dreams, real (not idealistic) with our desires and centered within the heart. Little hesitations can creat huge damages.But little troubles will always test our faith! 🙂

Once again real life story proves that women can do anything: juggle gardenning, building,  chores  and kids simultaniously. Most of women I know are great survivors in any conditions. The world maybe man’s but it surely was / is / and will be built by women. 🙂

Love, Respect and  Low Bow to all Females on Earth!

Posted by: unitybreath | July 25, 2011

Cordwood building is moving on!

Hi everyone, we are happy to announce that we have built 80 sm cordwood wall on the whole perimeter of the house so far! We are just about to fix wodden window frame into the main costruction so then we can move forward with walls. Hurrah for everyone who helped us!

We had an amasing team of 3 Alexanders from St Petersburg, Saratov and Voronej! Guys, you are rock, and always will stay in our hearts and memories about you are already imprinted into our walls!

There are pics below that show our work in progress:


Posted by: unitybreath | July 9, 2011

Cordwood house – frame up!

Hi everyone, thanks for being so patient! We appeared to have slow internet connection at the village, and i simply have no time to wait until the pics will download, therefore i do posts from the city while visiting friends or family an it happens rather rare. 🙂 

I must admit things were tough at times, and my faith and dream had being tested, however regardless all downs we are UP again now and forever! 🙂 I recommend anyone at this time who feels challenged by life or cirumstances do not defeat, and stay positive about your choice, live your dream even if its getting hard to belive that dream was worth of efforts. Things will and are getting better! Its just ‘usual’ transition times! 🙂

Getting back to my main news, we built our frame, adn put up the roof!!!!!!!!!!!! Hurrahhhhhhhhh! I feel fantastic, as things ARE MOVING FORWARD! and there is a HOPE we will manage to finish the house by the winter! We do need volunteers to help us to stack our walls, so if anyone feels touched or called to come and help us please contact me! 

Here is the building process by the pics, i am sure you can understand it without comments. 🙂 However if you do need more details please drop me a line and i post more details on the frame building. 🙂


we are now getting ready to start cordwood filling. Thank you to all who support us emotionally, mentally and physically!


PS: we picked tonnes of wild strawberries and bit of wild blackberries, everyone who will be coming to visit us, will have chance to taste authentic divine natural jams made of real forest berries from very pure environment! 🙂

Posted by: unitybreath | June 9, 2011

Cordwood building update june 2011

Hi and thank you to everyone who supports us and comes to help with the building!

So far we had few people from Moscow and one guy from Norilsk (RF)!!!! Special thank you to Galina and Eugine White, and Konstantin Garnaga!

We had been preparing the cordwood and its getting hot… I guess climate change affected our region strongly. So far we managed to cut into cords roughly 1/6 of theamount required. Also professional builder was invited to amend our foundation (we had slight slope towards the front). as soon as the retard is dried we will start putting up the frame. At the same time we do care about the garden, and already have some organic leefy vegies.

Here is few pics of the process.

Please spread our call to volunteers. We will be greatful for any help!


Posted by: unitybreath | May 10, 2011


As some of you may know we fell in love with cordwood houses, and decided to build one for ourselves.

So far we have managed to build foundation for the main house and temp shelter, as well as to plant various veggies, herbs and berries. 🙂 

We purchased enough wood and just about to start cordwood building. However we are terribly low in workforce. We have only one male (my husband) who will join us sometime in june, 2 adult females (my mother-i n-law and myself) and 2 very young females (Amalia – 8 yo and Victoria – 2 yo) who we can’t really count as a workforce. LOL

We have no other options but to finish the building before winter, otherwise we will freeze in the shelter, cause it goes as low as minus  30 celcius over there. : )

With this in mind, we come up with the GREAT OFFER that is hard to resist!

WE INVITE adventurous, eco-, self-sufficiently orientated and just any nice people who are interested in

  • learning cordwood masonry,
  • having a taste of a real rural living,
  • seeing beauties of Russian nature and meeting friendly Russian people
Its FREE of charge!!!! In exchange for your help we will share cordwood technique with you, visit local Spiritual sites, and teach you some Russian too. 🙂 

We are placed about 4 hours drive from Moscow in Lipetsk region at the village called Rjavets. We will be happy to organise meeting at the Moscow airport for anyone who will be coming. We have various over night options: cheap B&B at the local straw bale house or free of charge in the tents on our land. The summer is generally very hot. 🙂 
Please feel free to discuss further details via blog or write to my email for more info:


meditating child

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